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7 FAQs Every Parent Has About Invisalign


Invisalign is one of the most popular, innovative ways to straighten teeth, and is taking off among teenagers and adults alike because of its nearly invisible appearance, comfort, and reliability. Today Dr. Kurt Stormberg of Stormberg Orthodontics in La Mesa, CA answers parents’ frequently asked questions about Invisalign Teen, what makes it different, and how well it works.

1) How is Invisalign Teen Different from Invisalign?

Invisalign Teen uses the same system of clear aligners as Invisalign, to gradually shift the teeth into a better position. The difference is the inclusion of blue “compliance dots” that fade to clear only if the aligners are worn for the correct amount of time.

2) Is my Child Old Enough for Invisalign?

Invisalign is easy to use, but unlike braces, it is not a permanently worn appliance. This means that getting proper treatment with Invisalign requires self-control and discipline. If your teen is mature enough to wear the aligners for the necessary 22 hours a day every day without forgetting, in addition to taking good care of them, then they are old enough to use Invisalign.

3) Is it as Effective as Braces?

Invisalign is just as effective as braces when worn correctly. If the patient is negligent about wearing the retainers, treatment will take longer and be far less effective. For very complex orthodontic issues, palatal expanders, surgery, or braces may be necessary to achieve results.

4) Is Invisalign more Expensive?

It is a common misconception that Invisalign is much more expensive than traditional braces, but actually, the price is pretty much the same. Our office offers several financing options to make Invisalign affordable, and get the most out of your insurance coverage.

5) How Long Must Aligners be Worn?

Invisalign treatment can last anywhere between 6 and 24 months. If the aligners are misused, or not worn consistently enough, treatment may be longer.

6) Any Diet Restrictions?

One of the best perks of Invisalign treatment is that you don’t have to give up any of your favorite foods. Simply remove your aligners when you consume anything besides clear water. Avoid staining beverages like coffee, curry, bright or dark artificial/natural coloring in foods and soda, as they can discolor the clear aligners. Water is the universal safe food/drink with aligners in place. Rinse with water and/or brush after eating/drinking to avoid discoloration and a healthy mouth.

7) What About Sports?

Invisalign aligners are comfortable, snug, and can be worn during most activities. As a rule of thumb, if the activity or sport requires a mouthguard, remove aligners when participating.

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We have treatments to bring out the best in any smile. Learn about your options at your complimentary visit.