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The Accuracy and Reliability of the iTero Digital Imaging Process


If you are looking for a La Mesa orthodontist, you may have questions regarding iTero’s accuracy and reliability. iTero is a state-of-the-art digital scanner that creates a 3D model of your teeth. It helps your dentist plan your treatment to give you the best results. Generally, iTero is accurate and reliable. In most cases, the iTero imaging process is accurate enough for planning successful orthodontic treatment. Since Dr. Kurt Stormberg uses iTero extensively contact us here at Stormberg Orthodontics if you are looking for a La Mesa orthodontist familiar with this technology. Here is a brief overview of this remarkable imaging system.

What is iTero?

The iTero system creates digital models of patient teeth using 3D imaging. This intraoral scanner creates 3D images of a patient’s teeth using laser scanners and computer software. Using these images helps dentists plan orthodontic treatments, assess dental problems, and monitor treatment progress.

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How Does iTero Work?

The iTero imaging system consists of a laser scanner and computer software. After it captures 3D images, a computer software program creates a digital model of the patient’s teeth. Dentists can then view the patient’s teeth from different angles and decide on the best treatment plan.

iTero vs Traditional Orthodontic Methods

Previous orthodontic methods such as impressions, can be messy and not as precise. In contrast, iTero imaging produces accurate, three-dimensional images of teeth viewed from various perspectives, in addition to the x-rays and photographs taken,  that allow orthodontists to assess a patient’s dental profile and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Schedule an Adult Orthodontic Consultation Today!

All things considered, the iTero imaging system makes creating dental digital models reliable and accurate. Using laser scanners and computer software, dentists can create detailed 3D images of patient’s teeth, which can then be used for planning orthodontic treatment, assessing dental problems, and managing dental work.

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We have treatments to bring out the best in any smile. Learn about your options at your complimentary visit.

What are you waiting for?

Smile Brighter Today!

We have treatments to bring out the best in any smile. Learn about your options at your complimentary visit.