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Back to School and Back to Work with Invisalign and Braces…what to do!


You’ve started treatment, now what to do in the real world?!

Remember your kit you received when you started? That has a lot of good information, tips, and tools, to help you but we’ve also included a list of a few items to pack to go below!

Travel toothbrush or at least a bottle of water to rinse after every drink, snack, or meal. Even coffee, tea, protein drinks left on your teeth for hours can have adverse effects. A simple mouthful of water to divide and conquer, a quick brush would be better…if possible.

Hand sanitizer and a pocket mirror (available at our office) for removing & replacing orthodontic appliances/elastics and making sure your smile is ready and clean!

Invisalign or Retainer Cases for your appliances to safely store while eating, brushing your teeth or active sports. Keep them out of direct sunlight or hot cars, away for animals and small children.

Invisalign Trays, Retainers and Elastics– be sure to pack all your orthodontic appliances you need for the day. You can always request extra bags of elastics or an additional retainer case to have to go. Be sure to wear your prescribed appliances the correct amount of time to stay on track! Full time wear is usually 20-22 hours a day!

Appointments-be sure to keep your appointments and be on time to ensure your treatment goes as planned. With all our busy schedules, please schedule your next appointment right after you have finished your last appointment. This helps to get the time that works best for all of us! We are open at 7am Tuesday and Friday, work at lunch time on Tuesday at 12:30 and our latest patient is 4:15 on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The length of your appointment will dictate what time we can do certain procedures.

Pain relief-wax is useful if you have a rough spot or tender/sore on your lip with braces. Fingernail file, cleaned, to relieve a rough edge on Invisalign trays. Ibuprofen as needed, (school will need a prescription to administer at school).

Good Foods-Sources of protein helps to keep hunger at bay, eggs, yogurt, yogurt drinks, veggie burgers, tofu, smoothies, soup or chili, hummus, dairy, and non-dairy milk products. We encourage our patients to chew to work through any soreness. Sources of grains like oatmeal, pasta, whole grain bread and tortillas, waffles (softly toasted) and pancakes. Sources of fruits and veggies such as unsweetened applesauce, fruit cups and canned fruits packed in their own juice, soft fresh fruits like pears (sliced) and bananas, stir fried veggies, mashed potatoes. Sweet treats like ice cream, muffins (whole wheat cinnamon sugar muffins) and quick breads (fudgy chocolate zucchini bread). A sample of healthy store-bought snacks maybe Perfect Bars, Annie’s Mac & Cheese, Chobani Yogurt Drinks, Morningstar Farms Chik Patties, Outshine Fruit Bars popsicles

Foods too hard or crunchy-whole fruits like apples, pears, peaches, plums that the skin maybe tough or you can accidently bite on the seed. Just cut up into bite size pieces. Baby carrots, celery, hard to bite veggies need to be slivered/sliced into bite size pieces. Chewy, crusty breads like baguettes and bagels. Tear into bite size pieces or eat the inside, soft bread. Thick, chewy pizza crusts, break up and don’t bite off pieces. Chips, those hard, crunchy chips, head towards the thinner, easy to break/eat potato chips. Candy like taffy, caramel, gum, and gummy candy can stick to braces and retainers or dislodge a wire or bracket which can delay your treatment. Don’t bite on pencils or pens or open water bottles with your teeth. When in doubt, tear it up or make wiser choices.

What are you waiting for?

Smile Brighter Today!

We have treatments to bring out the best in any smile. Learn about your options at your complimentary visit.

What are you waiting for?

Smile Brighter Today!

We have treatments to bring out the best in any smile. Learn about your options at your complimentary visit.