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Brace Color Chooser

Our La Mesa office offers over 20 band color options, so you customize your smile at each appointment!


Learn About Our Brace Color Chooser

At Stormberg Orthodontics, we’re proud to provide orthodontic treatment to patients in La Mesa, El Cajon and other surrounding areas. We offer a variety of treatment options, giving our patients plenty of choices that align with their specific needs and personal preferences. One of our most popular treatments are traditional metal braces, which we use for patients of all ages to improve their bite and enhance their smile.

Are you getting braces, or maybe you have them already? Did you know you can express your personality by changing the color of your braces? Braces can be stylish when you know what colors to wear and when. At Stormberg Orthodontics, our team of skilled team members, led by Dr. Kurt Stormberg, can offer a wide range of braces colors for you to choose from, so you can pick the ones that best suit your style.  Colors are changed and fresh at every visit.

Whether you want to show off your school spirit or model a new outfit, selecting the right braces color is a great way to accessorize your look. Visit us at our La Mesa orthodontic office, where Dr. Kurt Stormberg has a team of experienced team members waiting to help you. To learn more, contact us today.

How To Use Our Brace Color Chooser

To pick your colors, simply click Color Your Smile, then click the color you like and then select “Color All” on the left. If you want to see what different color combinations look like together, choose a color and then select the location of your choosing.

You can create different combinations, and reset the image at any time.

Tips For Choosing The Color of Your Braces

The best part about having braces is changing up the colors! We’ll freshen up your current colors and/or change your colors at each appointment, which is usually every 4-8 weeks. Need some inspiration? Check out some of our tips below.

  • Holidays: What do Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Hanukkah and Christmas have in common? They’re all holidays with vibrant colors! Choose from our color palette, and give yourself a red and green smile to flaunt during December, or another combination of your choosing!
  • School Spirit: It’s always a great time to show pride in your school. You can flaunt your school spirit with your braces, by choosing your school’s colors at your next appointment.
  • Team Sports: Customize your rubber bands to match your team, or your favorite professional team! No matter who you love, we’ve got colors to match.
  • Special Events: Participate in our office contests, such as Paint Your Smile Pink in October or Movember in November, to donate to a great cause. Or you can make your braces match the color scheme of the homecoming dance or wedding. The possibilities are endless!
  • Patriotic: So many holidays to show off your red, white and blue!

Ask your orthodontic assistant what holidays are coming up, and they’d be happy to give you some ideas. Remember, it’s your smile so feel free to customize your braces however you want!

How it Works

1. Getting to Know You

Your first visit to our office is the beginning of your orthodontic journey, and we’re just as excited as you! We take complimentary Xrays and images of your teeth and Dr. Stormberg performs a thorough examination of your teeth, mouth, and gums. 

2. Custom Treatment Plan

Dr. Stormberg creates a customized treatment plan for each patient to ensure you reach your full smile potential! At Stormberg Orthodontics, we want to help you get the smile that you love with treatment as convenient as possible.

3. Your New Smile

We pride ourselves on giving our patients beautiful, healthy smiles that last a lifetime and that dedication doesn’t end when your braces are removed. Stormberg Orthodontics offers a variety of retainer options to find the best fit for your smile and lifestyle.

Just Moved? We Are Accepting New Patients!

If you have already begun orthodontic treatment and you’ve recently moved to the area, don’t worry, we can help make the process of switching to, or from, our office as easy as possible.
  • Military Transfers
  • Job Transfers
  • College Students
  • FAQs from Dr. Kurt Stormberg

    How much will braces cost? Are financing options available? How does my insurance work?
    We can only determine treatment costs after your initial consultation is completed, as each patient’s case is unique. You can learn more about our Financing & Insurance policies on our website, or speak to one of our staff members at the office. We’ll review your financing options with you, and will work with you to maximize your insurance benefits.
    Will I need to have teeth extract for braces?
    It depends on your unique situation, but sometimes in order to achieve optimal results, teeth may need to be removed. However, advanced technology and methods have made this less common.
    Can I wear braces even though I have crowns and missing teeth?
    Yes, absolutely! A tooth will a crown will move just like a regular tooth, and treatment will aid in the alignment of the remaining teeth.
    Do braces hurt?
    Braces or Invisalign don’t “hurt,” but for the first couple days you may feel some slight discomfort. When there is soreness, Motrin or Advil (ibuprofen) can help ease the discomfort.
    Can I return to school the day I receive my braces?
    Absolutely. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to return to your normal daily life.

    FAQs from Dr. Kurt Stormberg

    Will my teeth straighten as they grow?
    Unfortunately, no. Orthodontic issues, such as spacing and malocclusions, tend to worsen with age. It’s important to be examined as early as possible, to ensure these problems are corrected sooner rather than later.
    At what age should I schedule an appointment for an orthodontic screening?

    American Association of Orthodontists recommend you should schedule your child’s first appointment by age 7.  

    Orthodontic treatment and a child’s growth can complement each other.  By timing orthodontic treatment to predictable stages of dental development, the orthodontist may be able to take advantage of your child’s growth and development.  Some problems that can be treated quite well in a growing child may require corrective surgery or permanent teeth to be extracted if treated after growth has occurred.

    Can I schedule all of my appointments after school?
    We do our best to schedule you for the most convenient times based on your busy schedule, but cannot make any guarantees. However, most appointments are scheduled 4-10 weeks apart, so you or your child will miss minimal work/school time.
    Can I drop my child off for an appointment?
    We completely understand your busy schedule and are happy to accommodate. Once you pick up your child, we will review what was accomplished at the conclusion of each appointment and what is expected to be accomplished at the next appointment.  We strongly recommend making the follow up appointments prior to leaving our office.
    Can orthodontic correction occur while a child has baby teeth?
    If an orthodontic issue is severe enough, then early intervention can occur while the child still has baby teeth. If your child isn’t ready yet, we’ll simply monitor their growth and development, and begin treatment when they’re ready.

    FAQs from Dr. Kurt Stormberg

    Can I still play sports
    Of course! We do recommend that you use a mouthguard to protect your mouth during treatment.
    Can I return to school the day I receive my braces?
    Absolutely. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to return to your normal daily life.
    Will my teeth straighten as they grow?
    Unfortunately, no. Orthodontic issues, such as spacing and malocclusions, tend to worsen with age. It’s important to be examined as early as possible, to ensure these problems are corrected sooner rather than later.
    Can I schedule all of my appointments after school?
    We do our best to schedule you for the most convenient times based on your busy schedule, but cannot make any guarantees. However, most appointments are scheduled 4-10 weeks apart, so you or your child will miss minimal work/school time.

    FAQs from Dr. Kurt Stormberg

    Is it too late to have braces if I am already an adult?
    Adult orthodontics is becoming more common, as orthodontic treatment helps increase overall happiness level, health, and self-esteem. It’s never too late for a beautiful smile!
    Can I still play sports?
    Of course! We do recommend that you use a mouthguard to protect your mouth during treatment.
    What is an emergency appointment? How are those handled?
    If your braces are hurting you or your child severely, or if one of your appliances breaks, you should call our office. We can solve most orthodontic emergencies over the phone, but will make time for you if your issue requires an office visit.

    FAQs from Dr. Kurt Stormberg

    How long do I have to wear the aligners?

    The duration of Invisalign treatment can differ significantly from one person to another, ranging from as short as 6 months to as long as 24 months. This variability is influenced by the particular orthodontic issue being addressed and how consistently you wear your aligners and attend your scheduled visits.

    Do I have to wear the aligners even at night?

    Yes. In order for Invisalign to work as it’s designed, you must wear your aligners for up to 22 hours each day. You can remove them when eating and when brushing & flossing. You can also take them out temporarily for those special occasions such as interviews or school photos as long as you put them right back in afterward.

    Are there certain foods I must avoid eating that might break my aligners?

    Invisalign aligners should be taken out before eating. A major advantage of using Invisalign is that it doesn’t impose any dietary restrictions. You’re free to eat all your preferred foods, such as hard-crusted bread and corn-on-the-cob, as long as you remove your aligners first. However, it’s important to at least rinse your mouth, if not brush, before putting the aligners back in. Be aware that colored foods and beverages like coffee, tea, red sauce, curry, and sodas can leave stains on your teeth, which may also affect your aligners and attachments over time.

    Will my speech be affected?

    When you begin using Invisalign, you might find that your speech isn’t as clear as usual. Don’t worry, as this is a common experience. You just need to adjust to the aligners. Practice speaking or singing aloud with the aligners in, and soon your speech clarity will normalize.

    Can I chew gum?
    It’s best to avoid chewing gum while wearing aligners. It can stick to them and create quite a mess!

    FAQs from Dr. Kurt Stormberg

    Is it required that my family dentist schedule my appointment with the orthodontist?
    It’s not required, but often times our patients are referred by their family dentist. However, patients also are referred by family members and friends, and take the initiative to schedule an appointment themselves.
    Why should I choose an orthodontic specialist?
    Orthodontic specialists have the education, training and experience to effectively alter teeth, jaw, and facial structures to help patients achieve optimal oral health. It’s critical that treatment is personalized to each individual and properly completed, and choosing a specialist, like Dr. Stormberg, ensures that everything is done correctly.
    How do I schedule an appointment for an initial exam?
    You can schedule an appointment by calling our La Mesa office at (614) 462-4462, or you can complete an appointment request online. One of our staff members will take down some of your basic information, and let you know what you need to bring to our office for your appointment.
    What will happen at the initial examination appointment?
    Before you leave, be sure to have all the necessary information needed to complete our new patient forms, including your insurance information. Then, Dr. Stormberg will complete the examination, which can include X-rays and photographs, to properly diagnose you or your child’s condition. If you want to learn even more about what happens, you can find more information on our First Visit page.
    How often will I have appointments?
    Treatment time varies from patient to patient, depending on the severity of the orthodontic issues. The average patient wears appliances anywhere from 18-24 months, and total treatment time ranges from about 12-30 months.
    Do you give shots?
    No, as shots are not necessary for orthodontic treatment.

    What are you waiting for?

    Smile Brighter Today!

    We have treatments to bring out the best in any smile. Learn about your options at your complimentary visit.