What Is A Bad Habit?
A bad habit is sometimes something we do that we know about and have a hard time changing, but it can also be something we don’t know we do and do not know how to change. Your new appliance will help you to change your bad habit.
Your Custom Crib
This crib will help to remind you to stop harmful orthodontic habits.
Practice Speaking
Speaking and eating will be different for a day or two, so practice reading out loud, and cut your food into small bites.
How Long Will It Take?
Habit reminders are usually in place for 3-6 months or until the habit has stopped.
Take Care Of Your Crib
Avoid sticky and very hard foods that could loosen or break the appliance. Additional charge may occur if the appliance is removed or broken numerous times.
Brush after every meal!
Apply wax to the bands of the appliance if the soft tissue gets irritated. Warm salt water rinses numerous times during the day can also alleviate the discomfort.
Blue Grass Appliance (Tongue Thrust)
The Bluegrass Appliance is a reminder for proper tongue placement. Myofunctional therapy will also be recommended for a more successful outcome.