When you think about braces, you might think about the old-fashioned ones you saw as a kid that made patients look like they had a mouth full of metal. Thanks to some of the newest designs, you no longer need to worry about how people look at you or how they perceive you.
Types of Braces
Types of Braces
Learn About the Different Types of Braces
Metal Braces
We know that you probably don’t want metal braces, but we wanted to make sure you know they are a possible option. You only need to come in every four to eight weeks and can choose from some fun colors. Some patients find not having to remove an appliance, brush and replace into your mouth is a great option. Time slips away each day and sometimes the appliances are not worn the prescribed amount of hours due to eating, snacking, and a busy schedule.
Clear Aligners
Clear aligners are a great alternative to metal braces. Dr. Stormberg is a Top 1% Diamond+ Provider for Invisalign® in La Mesa and has treated thousands of patients since 1998. You might even know a few people who got Invisalign® at Stormberg Orthodontics. As they easily come out, you don’t need to wear them when you eat or brush your teeth. You should keep in mind that Dr. Kurt Stormberg will give you some rules you need to follow in between your appointments, such as 20-22 hours of wear daily for optimum results. Invisalign Teen® and is also available to help teens get bright and healthy smiles without damaging their confidence.
Ceramic Braces
Do you worry that insurance won’t cover the cost of your treatment? Forbes found that most dental insurance plans cover braces but that you will still pay some out-of-pocket costs. Ceramic brackets are a clear bracket that work exactly like our metal brackets.
What Are the Different Parts of Braces?
Now that you know there are different types of braces available, it helps to know the different parts of braces when choosing the one that’s best for you. Click here to learn about the different parts of braces.